
Returning to Ahh-frica!

Returning to Ahh-frica!
The most common question I’m asked about our travels is, “What’s the big deal with Africa?” My response is a snappy, “because Africa is a really big deal!” Then things get dicey because Africa is wordless, so describing it is challenging. My intention for my trip last month was to develop a better answer for what makes my favorite destination worth all the effort. I wanted a complete body/mind/soul experience as I carefully moved through the landscape, whether that landscape included people, plants, animals, or sumptuous meals. To accomplish this, I knew that I needed to slow down and let the whole experience wash over me rather than micromanaging its parts. I curated a new feeling of repose, gentle yet focused attention to my surroundings and my body’s reaction to them. Typically, I charge headlong through life, pitying those who move slowly as time-wasters. But Africa calls for ambling. I love how the people connect in Africa. They smile with their whole heart! Conversations take their time. People will go deep with you because they aren’t bent over a screen At my favorite place on earth, Londolozi Game Reserve, our days were breathtaking! On our first two drives, we saw wild dogs, elephants mud-bathing, a little Steinbach (honey I shrunk the gazelle), violet breasted rollers (my favorite bird), beautiful nyalas, a huge tower of giraffes (many giraffes, all huge), and a leopard with little cubs. Also Cape Buffalo, a pride of 12 lions, and a hunt by said lions. Magical things happen at Londolozi, like I nearly had a leopard cub climb up into my lap! I watched that little cub leave his mama and glide over to the car as we locked eyes. My heart called, and he just kept coming! His mama came over and restored order, as mamas tend to do. There is never a rush in Africa, even when you really want it to be faster. That’s the real draw for me–it forces me to slow down. If we had rushed away from the leopards when they moved to a new place, we would have missed the close encounter with the curious cub. I would’ve missed the magic of having another animal show me how much they trust me. And that trust is special. That trust is what makes me special. It’s not my ability to speak or write, it’s the hope and trust I foster in other mammals. It’s about my strength of spirit, which is difficult to put on a bio. Because now that 850 Elite and GP4G Foundation are behind me, I’m writing a new chapter. I’ve been pondering the question,”What is Life asking of me?” My heart’s answer is, “FUN”! I have been too serious for too long, and Africa reminded me of the power of fun and childlike curiosity. With that focus, I can play and create while I wait for direction. Happiness isn’t being rich or thin or having a big house. It’s building meaningful relationships, steeping yourself in natural beauty, and taking your time to let things unfold.

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HERE for my travel agent extraordinaire Helen, and/or click here for Life Coaching